POPBeamer · The Mail Collector
KBPB019 Error: Unable to convert hostname to IP address (no answer from name server) [3]
KBPB016 Error: Timeout in reading data [9] (when sending to Exchange)
KBPB032 Error: Timeout in reading data [9] (when downloading a message)
KBPB031 Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11] (general)
KBPB029 Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11] (several POP3 mailboxes)
KBPB048 Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11] (message blocked)
KBPB048 Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [10054] (message blocked)
KBPB020 Error: Unable to establish a connection with POP3 host [13]
KBPB001 Error: Unable to establish a connection with mail host [14]
KBPB037 Error: Unable to create file
KBPB002 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for user@yourdomain.com
KBPB002 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
KBPB003 505 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated
KBPB026 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful (after installing Exchange 2003 SP1)
KBPB033 454 5.7.3 Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server
KBPB041 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
KBPB035 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources
KBPB044 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
KBPB049 554 5.1.0 Sender Denied
KBPB050 503 5.5.2 Need Mail Command
KBPB051 451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX2
KBPB014 Error: No AUTH command in EHLO found, Authentication failed
KBPB023 Error: Expected an +OK, but got an -ERR [170]
KBPB011 Error: No Exchange server found at localhost
KBPB012 POPBeamer sends the CAPA command
KBPB028 POPBeamer hangs after sending the BDAT command
KBPB040 POPBeamer hangs after sending the RETR command
KBPB036 Messages delays and the outbound queue (MSG-OUT) is filled with messages
KBPB042 Slow download or a timeout or the connection is dropped
KBPB040 POPBeamer hangs after sending the RETR command
KBPB042 Slow download or a timeout or the connection is dropped
KBPB032 Error: Timeout in reading data [9] (when downloading a message)
KBPB044 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
KBPB047 POPBeamer connects to Exchange and immediately terminates the connection
KBPB045 No DSN (type failed) will be sent after a 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
KBPB046 No DSN (type failed) will be sent after any Exchange error
KBPB007 POPBeamer is running as a console application without any problems,
but when running as a service errors are reported
KBPB008 POPBeamer as a console application and the last screen line is not visible
KBPB027 POPBeamer stops working when running as a Console application
(when it was started from an icon)
KBPB030 POPBeamer takes a long time to start and/or the machine runs out of memory
KBPB043 McAfee Command Line 4.x reports a virus for every message
KBPB039 Citrix XenServer hosting Windows 2008 64bit Edition crashes MBAdmin.exe
KBPB004 The message seams to disappear and never reaches the recipient's mailbox
KBPB005 A message addressed to more than one To: or CC: is physically delivered more than once to each recipient
KBPB006 Incoming messages are working but Exchange does not send outgoing messages to the ISP
KBPB013 Files stuck in the MSG-IN directory
KBPB015 Outlook shows message header and/or attachments are not decoded on Exchange 2000/2003
KBPB017 BCC addresses are not properly auto detected and routed
KBPB018 Messages to non-existing recipients disappear on Exchange 2000/2003
KBPB022 POPBeamer routes the message to a non-existing e-mail address
because of a invalid e-mail address in Delivered-To:
KBPB024 Messages for invalid e-mail addresses are sent to postmaster
KBPB025 Messages for invalid e-mail addresses are not sent to postmaster
KBPB034 POPBeamer routes every message to the correct recipient and to a second non-existing e-mail address
KBPB037 Error: Unable to create file
KBPB038 Using the (invalid) Delivered-To e-mail address for message routing
KBPB052 Messages are duplicated or missing when Leave a copy of the message on server is enabled


The logfile shows Error: Unable to establish a connection with mail host [14]


Exchange does not listen for incoming messages on port 25.

You can check if Exchange is listening on port 25 by typing (in a DOS box)

telnet localhost 25

When everything is working you should get back a greeting line, else you get a connection error.

Several Solutions:

Exchange 5.x

Make sure that your Exchange server has Inbound SMTP enabled.

In Exchange Admin select the Internet Mail Service (IMS), select the tab Connections and make sure Inbound & Outbound is checked in the section Transfer Mode.

Exchange 2000/2003

Make sure the Virtual SMTP Server is listening on port 25. Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties. In this dialog select the tab labeled General and then Advanced and here you can set the port on which this virtual server listens.

Windows 2003 SP1

Make sure the firewall does not block port 25.

Open Control Panel, select Network Connections and then the properties of the Local Area Connection. In the tab labeled Advanced you will find the settings for the firewall

Norton / Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition

Norton / Symantec Antivirus may have silently installed a firewall that blocks the port

McAfee v8.0

McAfee may have installed a firewall that blocks the port



When sending to Exchange the logfile shows Error: Timeout in reading data [9]


This error happens in Exchange 2000/2003 when there is something that prevents Exchange from accepting the message. Usually the error is the result of a routing problem, a renamed domain in the recipient policy, an authentication problem, a firewall that blocks or a virus scanner that prevents Exchange from working correctly.

Several Solutions:

Check if there is a firewall like ISA Server that blocks the data flow between the interface that POPBeamer uses and the interface that Exchange is bound.

Check if you have Norton / Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition running.

If POPBeamer gets the timeout when it connects to Exchange, then Norton / Symantec Antivirus may have silently installed a firewall that blocks port 24 on the loopback interface (this is or localhost). In this case start MBAdmin, select Options->General->Exchange and change the name of the Exchange server from localhost to the IP address. If the timeout is after the BDAT command, then Norton / Symantec Antivirus prevents Exchange from accepting the message and you need to exclude the Exchange directory from on-access scanning.

Check if there is another virus scanner running and disable it. At least make sure you have excluded the POPBeamer and the Exchange directory from scanning.

Start MBAdmin, select Options->General->Exchange and change the name of the Exchange server from localhost to the name or IP address. If you are currently using a IP address or a name, then change it to localhost. The best is you try every combination and most likely one will work.

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Recipient->Recipient Policies. Make sure you have not renamed the domain in the Default Policy. Adding a new domain is no problem, but renaming the default domain is not what Exchange likes.

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties. In this dialog select the tab labeled Access and then Authentication and make sure Anonymous access or Basic Authentication is checked.

Note: Restart the virtual SMTP server to bring the new settings into affect

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties. In this dialog select the tab labeled Access and then Connection and make sure All except the list below is checked.



The logfile shows 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for user@yourdomain.com (Exchange 2000/2003)
The logfile shows 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay (Exchange 2007-2019)


This error happens when Exchange does feels responsible for your e-mail domain. Usually this happends when you install Windows using a different domain than your e-mail domain and forgot to tell Exchange for which domain it is responsible.


Exchange 2000/2003

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Recipient->Recipient Policies . Then either change the Default Policy or create a new policy and tell Exchange for which domain it should accept mail.

Additional info from Microsoft at Q289833

Exchange 2007-2019

Start Exchange Management Console and select Organization Configuration->Hub Transport->Accepted Domain and make sure your your domain is in the list.



The logfile shows 505 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated


The user that POPBeamer uses for authentication does not have the proper rights.

In general, the best is to disable authentication in POPBeamer and to enable anonymous access in Exchange. Or use a user that has the proper right to send messages to Exchange.

Several Solutions:

Enable Anonymous access in Exchange 2000/2003

In Exchange Admin select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties.

In this dialog select the tab labeled Access and then Authentication and enable Anonymous access.

Enable Anonymous access Exchange 2007-2019

Start Exchange Management Console and select

Server Configuration->Hub Transport->Receive Connectors->Default Connector.

In this dialog select the tab labeled Permission Groups and make sure Anonymous users is enabled.

Disable or enable authentication in POPBeamer

Start MBAdmin, select Options->General->Exchange and enableor disable Exchange needs authentication. If enabled, and type in the user account and password POPBeamer should use when connecting to Exchange.

Special note for Exchange 2007-2019: The user that you use for authentication MUST NOT have a mailbox and MUST be an administrator. DO NOT use Administrator, because there is a mailbox associated with that account and therefore it can't be uses for SMTP authentication.



POPBeamer sends the message to the Exchange server without any errors, but the message seams to disappear and never reaches the recipient's mailbox.


Take a look in the Event Log if Exchange has reported an error. If you don't find an error, enable logging at the IMS.

The most common problems are:

Recipient has a message size limit

Recipient has a mailbox size limit

Sender is using a charset which your Exchange can not process; charset="x-user-defined" is common when sending from the Spanish version of Outlook Express

Sender is using charset for Eastern Europe and RTF/TNEF is attached (fixed in Exchange v5.5 SP1)



A message addressed to more than one To: or CC: address on your Exchange server results in the message being physically delivered more than once to each recipient.


This happens when your ISP physically stores more than one copy of the same message in the POP3 or IMAP mailbox.


Start MBAdmin , select View->Options->Auto Detect and check Ignore messages with duplicated messages ID and then POPBeamer delivers only a single copy of the message and ignores the duplicate one.



The logfile shows Error: No Exchange server found at localhost


A SMTP server is responding, but it is not the one of Exchange.


In a DOS box type

telnet localhost 25

You will then get a greeting line of the SMTP server and this should give you an idea what program is running.

The most common problems are:

The SMTP server of the IIS (Internet Information Server) is running

In Control Panel->Services look for a service called Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) and stop it and disable it. Then restart the Exchange IMS and it should work.

A proxy server with a virtual port mapping is active

The IP address you specified is wrong



The logfile shows Error: No AUTH command in EHLO found, Authentication failed


Authentication is enabled in POPBeamer, but yout Exchange does not support authentication.


Start MBAdmin, select View->Options->Exchange and uncheck Exchange needs authentication



When communication with the POP3 server POPBeamer sends a CAPA command and the server responds with -ERR.

The logfile shows

< -ERR Protocol Error


POPBeamer is checking for enhanced CAPAbilities of the POP3 server.


This is not an error in the sense of a failure. If the server does not support the command it issues a -ERR and POPBeamer continues the session using plain POP3.

The checking of the enhanced capabilities can be disabled in the properties if the POP3 mailbox.



POPBeamer download the messages without any problem but the files stuck in the MSG-IN directory and POPBeamer does not send them to Exchange.


There is an on-access virus scanner running that blocks POPBeamer from accessing the downloaded files.


In your on-access scanner disable the scanning of the POPBeamer directory and below. Most scanners will never find a virus that is in a raw message file, because they can not extract the attachments from the message and even if they would find anything, they would confuse POPBeamer more than it would help.

If you enable the virus scanner support in POPBeamer, it will extract the attachments and html pages from the message and call the scanner to scan it.



Incoming messages are working but Exchange does not send outgoing messages to the ISP.


POPBeamer is only responsible for incoming messages. Outgoing messages are sent by the Exchange itself.


Exchange 5.5

In Exchange Admin select the Internet Mail Service (IMS), select the tab labeled Dial-up Connections and select the DUN connection you want to use then. Switch to the tab labeled Connections, click on Forward all message to host and type in the name or IP address of the ISP's SMTP server. Restart the IMS to activate the changes.

Exchange 2000/2003

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties . In this dialog select the tab labeled Delivery and then Advanced. In Smart host type in the name or IP address of the ISP's SMTP server. Close the dialog and restart Exchange.



POPBeamer is running as a console application without any problems, but when running as a service errors are reported.


The account you use to start the service does not have enough rights to use RAS or the Internet or the Proxy.


Start the service with Administrator or the account you use to logon onto Windows NT and then it should work.



You have Windows 2000/2003 when running POPBeamer as a console application the last screen line is not visible.


By default the Windows 2000/2003 screen buffer size height for a console application is set to 300 lines.


Select the Properties of the console and then select the tab labeled Layout and change the Screen Buffer Size Height to 25



You have an Exchange 2000/2003 and Outlook displays the header of the message in the message body and/or attachments are not decoded.


This happens because your ISP adds a line to the header of the message that confuses Exchange 2000/2003.


Check the header of the message is there is a line with the word From but without a double dot after it.

Here is a sample:

From michael@datatenter.co.at Tue Jun 19 15:37:49 2001

A variation of this is when there is a > in front of the From. A sample would be:

>From michael@datatenter.co.at Wed Jul 11 11:35:10 2001

The solution is to let POPBeamer remove the line and this can be done by adding the line

HeaderLinesDel="From "

to popbeam.ini.

For the second sample the line is

HeaderLinesDel=">From "



BCC addresses are not properly auto detected and routed.


The handling of BCC addresses depends on the information that the ISP adds to the header of the message. if your ISP does not add the address of the final recipient somewhere in the header of the message, then POPBeamer can not route it.

Like a normal letter, an e-mail consist of a envelope and the message itself and the e-mail is routed based on the information on the envelope, exactly the same as a normal letter.

When your ISP gets the message it discards the envelope and puts only the message into the POP3 mailbox. POPBeamer downloads the message and needs to recreate the envelope from the header of the message.

For To: and CC: addresses the sender of the message adds the address to the header and such messages are no problem for POPBeamer.

However, in the case of a BCC the sender does not add the e-mail address into the header of the message (or else it would not be a Blind Carbon Copy) and so the ISP needs to add it or POPBeamer has not enough information to route the message properly.

Luckily nearly all ISP add the e-mail addresses somewhere and themost common is place where they add it is the Received: line which looks something like this:

Received: by smtp.yourisp.com
with SomeProgram v1.00
for <user@yourdomain.com> ;
Tue, 1 Jan 2008 10:49:21 +0100

Other common lines which POPBeamer scans are:

Resent-To: <user@yourdomain.com>
Apparently-To: <user@yourdomain.com>
Envelope-to: <user@yourdomain.com>
X-RCPT-TO: <user@yourdomain.com>


Check the header of the message for a line with the e-mail address of the final recipient. In the case your ISP adds the address in a line that POPBeamer does not scan by default, you can add this line as a custom line in MBAdmin View->Options->Auto Detect



You have an Exchange 2000/2003 and use Domain List as the verify method and messages to non-existing recipients disappear.


In Domain List mode POPBeamer forwards all message to Exchange and Exchange needs to check if a user exists or not.

For non-existing users Exchange 2000/2003 sends back a non-delivery report to the sender and optionally, a copy of this message to a e-mail address of your choice. However, the non-delivery report is only sent by Exchange when POPBeamer told Exchange this it is safe to do so.

In the case that the ISP doesn't add the error address from the SMTP envelope somewhere into the header of the message, POPBeamer prevents Exchange from sending out non-delivery reports. The reason is that a wrong error address could result in an infinite message loop.

Several Solutions:

Switch from Domain List to Address List

In this case POPBeamer checks the recipient and forwards non-existing recipients to the e-mail address defined as postmaster

Allow Exchange to send back non-delivery reports and get a copy of this report

Start MBAdmin, select View->Options->SMTP->Automatic response and adjust it so that POPBeamer allows Exchange to send out automatic responses

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties. In this dialog select the tab labeled Messages and here you can set the e-mail address for a copy of the non-delivery report.



The logfile shows Error: Unable to convert hostname to IP address (no answer from name server) [3]


The name resolution in Windows can not convert the name of the POP3 server to an IP address.


Either the name server configuration is not correct or there is no connection to the Internet.

To test this open a DOS box and type

nslookup yourpop3server

an check if you get back an IP address.

Another way to test it is to type

telnet yourPOP3server 110

If everything is working you will get a greeting line of the POP3 server.



The logfile shows Error: Unable to establish a connection with POP3 host [13]


POPBeamer can not connect to the POP3 server.


Make sure there is no typo in the name of the POP3 server and that the connection to the Internet is working.

To test the connection open a DOS box and type

telnet yourPOP3server 110

If everything is working you will get a greeting line of the POP3 server.



POPBeamer routes the message to a non-existing e-mail address because of a invalid e-mail address in the Delivered-To: header line


The ISP adds not existing e-mail address to the Delivered-To: header line.

The line looks something like

Delivered-To: pop3mailbox@yourdomain.com

Several Solutions:

Create a mail enabled Public Folder, assign the e-mail address ( pop3mailbox@yourdomain.com in our sample) and set the auto delete time to 1 day.

The second copy of the message will then go to the Public folder and Exchange automatically deletes the message after 1 day.

Tell POPBeamer that it should scan only the To: and CC: lines and that all other lines should be ignored

To do so start MBAdmin, select View->Options->Auto Detec t and select Custom header line.

Type in To and press Ok.

Then open popbeam.ini and add the line


Thereafter POPBeamer will scan only the To: and CC: header line for an e-mail address.



The logfile shows Error: Expected an +OK, but got an -ERR [170]


There is a problem at the POP3 server, which fails to terminate the message with a proper end-of-message termination sequence, which is defined as <CRLF>.<CRLF> in RFC2821. If the POP3 server adds the end-of-message termination sequence somewhere in the middle of the message, then POPBeamer thinks the message has ended, but the POP3 server still sends the message. On the other side, if the POP3 server does not add the the end-of-message termination sequence at all, then POPBeamer will wait forever for the end of the message.

Reasons for the problem:

Someone sent you a corrupt message and the POP3 server didn't repair the message as it should. If the problem happens once or twice than this may be the source

The POP3 server has a problem with it's database. Usually this means that all messages in a mailbox are corrupt and recreating the POP3 mailbox usually fixes the problem

The ISP has a spam blocker installed that adds a bad line into the message. Usually this means that the problem don't happened in the past and started from one day to the other (the day when the ISP enabled the spam blocker) and only some messages are involved (the messages that the spam blocker tags as spam)

Several Solutions:

In MBAdmin select the properties of the mailbox and enable Delete messages without a proper end-of-mail sequence

Manually delete the message from the POP3 mailbox

Use Outlook Express to delete the message from the POP3 mailbox (Outlook Express does not care about corrupt messages)

Call the ISP that he deletes the message from the POP3 mailbox

Disable the spam blocker at the ISP

Note: Unlike Outlook Express or the MS POP3 Connector, POPBeamer does not download corrupt messages, because there is no guarantee that the message can be deleted from the POP3 mailbox. And if the message can't be deleted, then POPBeamer would download the message over and over again. If this start happening on a Friday evening, POPBeamer may have downloaded so many messages until Monday morning that your Exchange stops working and this should be avoided.



Messages for invalid e-mail addresses are sent to postmaster


The verification method is set to Address List and POPBeamer sends all messages to postmaster that are addressed to an e-mail address that is not in the address list


If you don't want to get all messages to invalid e-mail addresses then start MBAdmin, select View->Options->Verify and select Domain List as the verification method.

POPBeamer will then send all messages for your domain to Exchange and it is up to Exchange to send back a non-delivery report in the case the e-mail address does not exist.

Note: To prevent from a message loop POPBeamer checks if the ISP added a return path to the header of the message. Without a return path POPBeamer does not allow Exchange to send back an automatic response like a non-delivery report. You can change this in MBAdmin, View->Options->SMTP->Automatic Response



Messages for invalid e-mail addresses are not sent to postmaster


The verification method is set to Domain List and POPBeamer sends all messages for the domain to Exchange and it is up to Exchange to send back a non-delivery report in the case the e-mail address does not exist.


If you want that all messages to invalid e-mail addresses are sent to postmaster then start MBAdmin, select View->Options->Verify and select Address List as the verification method.



The logfile shows 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful after installing Exchange 2003 SP1


Microsoft has changed something in SP1 that prevents the use of simple users names for SMTP authentication. At present it is not clear if this is a feature or a bug, because it affects all programs including Outlook.

Several Solutions:

Disable authentication in POPBeamer completely in View->Options->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication

By default anonymous access is enabled in Exchange and so there is no need for authentication, because Exchange will accept messages for all the domain for which it is responsible.

So when Exchange does not accept message for the own domain and gives a 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay, then Exchange does not feel responsible for the domain and you should fix that rather than using authentication and force Exchange to accept the message.

See also KBPB002

Use the User Principal Name (UPN) (e.g. michael@dataenter.co.at) in View->Options->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication->User

Prepend the domain in front of the user name (e.g. DataEnter\michael) in View->Options->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication->User



POPBeamer stops working when running as a Console application (when MBserver.exe was started from an icon)


Quick-Edit mode was accidentally enabled with the mouse and so Windows completely stops the application in the console so that you can perform cut & paste with the mouse

Several Solutions:

Select the Properties of the console and then select the tab labeled Options and disable Quick-Edit mode

run POPBeamer as a service (see Run POPBeamer as a service)



POPBeamer hangs after sending the BDAT command


The recipients server announces that it accepts binary data (RFC 3030), but when POPBeamer sends the data, it fails to get to the server.

There is SMTP proxy between POPBeamer and the recipients server, and the proxy has has a problem with binary data.

The following devices are known for the problem:

SonicWall / Zyxel Firewall / Watchguard Firebox (see also KBPB032)

Cisco PIX with MailGuard (see also Microsoft KB 320027)

Norton / Symantec Antivirus 9.0 Corporate Edition (installs a SMTP proxy that can't handle binary data)

Norton / Symantec Antivirus 10.0 Corporate Edition (the scanner prevents Exchange from accepting binary messages)

Several Solutions:

SonicWall / Zyxel Firewall / Watchguard Firebox

Disable the SMTP proxy or upgrade the firewall

Cisco PIX with MailGuard

Disable the SMTP fixup (this is the SMTP proxy in the Cisco PIX)

Norton / Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 9.0 or 10.0

if the problem happens when POPBeamer sends to Exchange, then make sure Norton / Symantec Antivirus hasn't silently installed a firewall that can't handle the binary data.

Also make sure Norton / Symantec Antivirus doesn't scan the Exchange directory, because this prevents Exchange from accepting messages.

Note: This means you need to exclude the Exchange, the TEMP and the POPBeamer directory from on-access scanning, but you may leave the Exchange message scanning enabled.

If nothing of the above fixes the problem, then you may disable ESMTP in MBAdmin View->Options->Advanced->Use ESMTP protocol when sending to Exchange

See also KBPB040



POPBeamer should connect to several POP3 mailboxes, some are working, for others the logfile shows Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11]


By default POPBeamer opens 5 concurrent connections to the POP3 server, but the server does not allow such an amount of concurrent connections.

The logfile shows something like this:

0005: Connection opened with pop3.mail.com for user1
0006: Connection opened with pop3.mail.com for user2
0007: Connection opened with pop3.mail.com for user3
0007: Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11]

In this case the POP3 server accepts only 2 concurrent connections.


Start MBAdmin, select View->Options->POP3 and decrease the concurrent connections



POPBeamer takes a long time to start and/or the machine runs out of memory


Leave a copy of the message on server is enabled and this forces POPBeamer to track each UIDL for all messages that are on the server. Depending on the setting of Remove from server after xx days is will take some memory.


Start MBAdmin, select File->POP3 / IMAP mailbox , select the mailbox, press Edit, select POP3 or IMAP and decrease the days in Remove from server after xx days. or disable Leave a copy of the message on server completely



POPBeamer connects to the POP3 of the ISP, but the connection is dropped and the logfile shows Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11]


The POP3 server dropped the connection, either because of a routing problem or a policy at the ISP

Several Solutions:

If POPBeamer downloads from more than one mailbox and you get the error in irregular time intervals, then your ISP does not allow that many concurrent connections.

Start MBAdmin, select View->Options->POP3 and decrease the concurrent connections

Check if your connection to the Internet is stable. Especially when you have a dial-up connection make sure that no other program closes the connection until POPBeamer has finished downloading the messages.

If you have two NIC in the PC, then you may have a routing problem, even when the second NIC is disabled. Symptoms are that POPBeamer can download small messages, but not large one. Or that POPBeamer can query the POP3 server, but once the download starts, the line is dropped (because the route changed).

If the second NIC is disable then remove the NIC physically from the machine. The reason is that most program do not care about a disabled NIC and handle them like a real NIC.

If the second NIC is needed, then make sure that you only have one Default Gateway defined (check this with ipconfig /all or route print). Using two or more default gateways is not supported in Windows, because then Windows has the right to send all unknown packages over any default gateway and that is not what you really want.

Autotuning in Windows 2008

See KBBP042



POPBeamer starts downloading the message (RETR command) and after some time the logfile shows Error: Timeout in reading data [9]


There is a POP3 proxy / firewall / filter / router between POPBeamer and the POP3 server that scans the messages for virus and/or spam while downloading

The following devices or programs install such a filter:

ZyXEL Prestige 662HW / 662H

SonicWall / Zyxel Firewall / Watchguard Firebox

NOD32 Antivirus from ESET


Disable virus / spam checking at the proxy / firewall / filter / router, because using a proxy / filter in between will not work.

Basically the problem is as follows:

The proxy downloads the message completely, scans it and then passes it to POPBeamer. (this is what the ZyXEL Prestige 662HW / 662H does)

In this case the problem is with large messages that take longer to download then POPBeamer waits for the data (which is 5 minutes) and usually you end up with a timeout.

The proxy downloads a small chunk, scan it and passes it to POPBeamer (this is what NOD32 Antivirus does)

In the case of a virus message the proxy has the problem to tell POPBeamer that the message has finished when in fact the message is not finished yet (means the proxy needs to make a premature end of the message). And it does this by simply sending the termination dot somewhere in the middle of the message. This works very well with Outlook Express and also the MS POP3 downloader, because they don't care about corrupt messages. POPBeamer however cares about this, because such a corrupt message will have an impact on your Exchange and you don't really want that your Exchange will be killed.

Note:You can enable a I don't care policy like the one of Outlook Express in the properties of the POP3 mailbox, tab labeled POP3, option Delete messages without a proper end-of-mail sequence.

Note: If you have Windows 2008 you may also read KBBP042



The logfile shows 454 5.7.3 Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server (Exchange 2000/2003)


Exchange 2000/2003 doesn't accept the message, because it doesn't know how to handle it.

Several Solutions:

Norton / Symantec Mail Security has silently installed a spam blocker that causes this error message.

Recipient or message filtering is enabled in Exchange.

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Global Settings->Message Delivery->Properties and make sure the tabs labeled Recipient Filtering, Connection Filtering and Intelligent Message Filtering do not block any message.

If you want that POPBeamer uses authentication, then you need to use an user that has the Send As right.

At View->Options->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication you can set the user.

Or you disable authentication in POPBeamer at Options->General->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication and enable Anonymous access on the Virtual Server.

Start System Manager (Exchange Admin) and select Servers->Your Server->Protocol->SMTP->Default SMTP Virtual Server->Properties.

In this dialog select the tab labeled Access and then Authentication and make sure Anonymous access is checked.

Note: Restart the virtual SMTP server to bring the new settings into affect



POPBeamer routes every message to the correct recipient and to a second non-existing e-mail address. Depending on the configuration, the sender gets back a non-delivery report for the non-existing address, which makes the problem really worse.


The ISP adds the POP3 mailbox e-mail address to the header of the message, usually in the Envelope-To: or Received: line. The e-mail address is always the same and looks something like pop3mailbox@yourdomain.com

Several Solutions:

Create a mail enabled Public Folder, assign the e-mail address ( pop3mailbox@yourdomain.com in our sample) and set the auto delete time to 1 day.

The second copy of the message will then go to the Public folder and Exchange automatically deletes the message after 1 day.

Tell POPBeamer that it should scan only the To: and CC: lines and that all other lines should be ignored

To do so start MBAdmin, select View->Options->Auto Detec t and select Custom header line.

Type in To and press Ok.

Then open popbeam.ini and add the line


Thereafter POPBeamer will scan only the To: and CC: header line for an e-mail address.



McAfee Command Line 4.x reports a virus for every message


Since 15 May 2007 the DAT files do no work with McAfee Command Line v4.x. The scanner returns an error every time POPBeamer calls it and as a result POPBeamer flags each messages as a virus.

Several Solutions:

Upgrade to McAfee Command Line v5.x with

Use the DAT files from 14 May 2007



The logfile shows 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources


Exchange 2007-2019 monitors important system resources, such as available hard disk drive space and available memory. If utilization of a system resource exceeds the specified limit, then Exchange server stops accepting new connections and messages.


Make sure the disk has at least 4% of the capacity with a minimum of 4GB free space.

For more information on Exchange 2007-2019 system monitor see Understanding Back Pressure



There are messages delays and the outbound queue (MSG-OUT) is filled with messages


You have a spam filter installed on Exchange and the spam filter thinks that POPBeamer is a very bad spammer, because a lot of spam messages are coming from the IP address that POPBeamer uses and so the spam filter drops the connection rather then sending back a 500 error.


Select View->Opitons->SMTP and enable Send a non-deliver report to the sender when Exchange drops the connection after the DATA/BDAT command or/and Send a non-deliver report to the sender when Exchange refuses to accept the message using a 400 error



The logfile shows Error: Unable to create file


POPBeamer is not able to create a file to store the downloaded message or it can't extract the attachments from the message.

Several Solutions:

Chkdsk converted the MSG-IN or MSG-OUT directory to a file

Stop POPBeamer, delete the MSG-IN and/or MSG-OUT file and create a MSG-IN and MSG-OUT directory.

The TEMP directory does not exist

When POPBeamer starts, it shows which directory is used as the TEMP directory. Make sure the directory exist and that the POPBeamer service has full read/write right to it.



Using the (invalid) Delivered-To e-mail address for message routing


The ISP adds a unique, but not existing e-mail address to the Delivered-To: header line.

The line looks something like

Delivered-To: yourdomain-youruser@yourdomain.com or
Delivered-To: 655-youruser@yourdomain.com or
Delivered-To: lt-youruser@yourdomain.com


Add the invalid e-mail address as a secondary e-mail address to the mailbox. e.g. add 655-youruser@yourdomain.com as secondary e-mail address to the mailbox of youruser@yourdomain.com

And in View->Options->Auto Detect->Custom header line type in Delivered-To

POPBeamer will then read the e-mail address from the Delivered-To header line and use that e-mail address to send the message to Exchange. Exchange know how to handle the message, because the mailbox has the e-mail address as a secondary address.



You have Citrix XenServer hosting Windows 2008 64bit Edition and MBAdmin.exe is crashing as soon as you start it


Citrix XenServer has a bug that crashes all 32bit executable that are created using the Watcom compiler. MBAdmin.exe is always a 32bit application, even in the the 64bit edition of POPBeamer. However, the 64bit edition of MBServer.exe is not affected by this bug.

More information on this bug at Xen-Bugs


Start MBAdmin.exe from a workstation rather then on the server.

To do this, share the POPBeamer directory and then access the share from your workstation and start MBAdmin.exe.



POPBeamer starts downloading the message (RETR command) but the download never ends and there is no timeout.


There is bug in SonicWall which is between POPBeamer and the POP3 server. The SonicWall scans the messages for virus and/or spam while downloading and blocks the messege because a virus or spam was found. Unfortualtely the SonicWall never terminates the message and continues to send data and so there is no timeout.


Disable virus / spam checking at the SonicWall or update to a version without the bug.

See also KBPB032 and KBPB042



The logfile shows 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender


Exchange 2007-2019 doesn't accept the message, because the sender doesn't have the Send As proper rights.

Several Solutions:

If you want that POPBeamer uses authentication, then you need to use an user that has the Send As right.

At View->Options->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication you can set the user.

Note: The user that you use for authentication MUST NOT have a mailbox and MUST be an administrator. DO NOT use Administrator, because there is a mailbox associated with that account and therefore it can't be uses for SMTP authentication.

Or you disable authentication in POPBeamer at Options->General->Exchange->Exchange needs authentication and enable Anonymous access on the Hub.

Start Exchange Management Console and select Server Configuration->Hub Transport->Receive Connectors ->Default Connector->Permission Groups and enable Anonymous users.



POPBeamer takes very long to download large messages or there is a Timeout or the connection is dropped


Autotuning in the TCP/IP stack of Windows 2003/2008 may conflict with the settings or your router (e.g. SonicWall or Cisco)


Try turning off Autotuning (in a DOS box as Administrator):

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh interface 
tcp set global

If that doesn't change anything then return it to "normal":

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
netsh interface 
tcp set global


The logfile shows 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size


The size of the message is greater than the size limit of Exchange and so Exchange refuses to accept the message.


Exchange 2007-2019 has a default size limit of 10 MB.

The limit is on the hub, transport, database, mailbox and in some cases, even in the AD.

Start Exchange Management Console and select Organization Configuration->Hub Transport->Global Settings->Transport Settings and Server Configuration->Hub Transport->Receive Connectors->Properties of each receive connector and Organization Configuration->Mailbox->Database Management->Properties of each database and Recipient Configuration->Mailbox->Properties of the mailbox->Mailbox Settings->Storage Quotas

For setting the values in the AD using ADSIEdit see technet.microsoft.com



The logfile shows No DSN (type failed) will be sent because the address is not valid for accepting a DSN after a 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay


Exchange doesn't accept the initial message and sends back an error to POPBeamer. In turn, POPBeamer creates a non-delivery report for the sender, connects to Exchange and tries to sends the non-delivery report.

But relaying is disabled in Exchange and so Exchange doesn't relay the message and sends back an error. Due that this is an error for an error message, POPBeamer gives up and shows No DSN (type failed) will be sent because the address is not valid for accepting a DSN.

The session shows something like this:

Session of the initial message:

> MAIL FROM:<user@outside.com>
< 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
> RCPT TO:<user@yourdomain.com>
< 550 Some Exchange error here

Session of the non-delivery report:

< 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
> RCPT TO:<user@outside.com> NOTIFY=NEVER
< 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay No DSN (type failed) will be sent because the address is not valid for accepting a DSN


See this article in blogs.technet.com or exchangeserverpro.com how to allow relaying for the IP address of POPBeamer.



The logfile shows No DSN (type failed) will be sent because the address is not valid for accepting a DSN after some Exchange error


Exchange doesn't accept the message and sends back an error to POPBeamer. In turn, POPBeamer likes to send a non-delivery report to the sender, but fails to find an error address to the header of the message.

The session shows something like this:

< 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
> RCPT TO:<user@yourdomain.com>
< 550 Some Exchange error here


At View->Options->SMTP->Automatic Response you can tell POPBeamer how to find the error address.



POPBeamer connects to Exchange and immediately terminates the connection


POPBeamer connects to Exchange, sends EHLO, detects that Exchange has a sime limit and immediately terminates the connection and sends a non-delivery report.

The session shows something like this:

< 220 exchange.yourdomain.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready
> EHLO exchange.yourdomain.com
< 250-exchange.yourdomain.com Hello []
< 250-SIZE 10485760
< 250-DSN


See KBPB044 how to change a size limit.



POPBeamer starts downloading the message (RETR command) and after some time the logfile shows Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [10054] or Error: Connection closed by peer for no good reason [11]


There is a POP3 proxy / firewall / filter / router between POPBeamer and the POP3 server that scans the messages for virus and/or spam while downloading


See KBBP032



The logfile shows 554 5.1.0 Sender Denied


The message has a NULL-sender (MAIL FROM:<>) and Exchange 2007-2019 doesn't accept the message, because the sender filtering is enabled.

Several Solutions:

Start Exchange Management Console and disable Organization Configuration->Hub Transport->Anti-Spam->Sender Filtering->Blocked Senders->Block messages that don't have sender information

This is the best solution, because with the setting enabled, Exchange would also block all system messages like a non-delivery report.

Or in POPBeamer at Options->General->SMTP->Automatic Response select Always allow it

This forces POPBeamer to use the From: E-Mail address als the Return Path and there is a risk of an infinite message loop.



The logfile shows 503 5.5.2 Need Mail Command


The message is blocked by Symantec Endpoint Protection


Configure Symantec Endpoint Protection not to block during the SMTP session. Exchange needs to accept the message, later Symantec can do whatever needed.



The logfile shows 451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX2


Exchange 2013-2019 needs a properly working DNS server and the NIC has more than one DNS server assigned.


The NIC must have only the DNS server of your domain, not any other public DSN server like the one of your ISP or Google or OpenDNS.



Messages are duplicated or missing when Leave a copy of the message on server is enabled


The POP3 / IMAP server changes the UIDL of an existing message. POPBeamer compares the UIDL of every downloaded message with the UIDL currently in the mailbox and downloads only messages with a new UIDL.

To debug the problem:

Stop POPBeamer service

Copy the POPBeamer directory to a different location

Change to the new location

Start MBAdmin.exe and delete or disable all mailboxes except the one that you want to debug

For the mailbox you want to debug enable Properties->Advanced->Show UIDL and header lines for all messages in the mailbox

Delete mb.log

Start MBServer.exe and wait until POPBeamer dumped all messages into the logfile

Open the logfile and locate a missing or double message

Note the UIDL of that message

Scan all old logfiles for the UIDL (find.exe "xxUIDL" mb*.log)

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