AirSyncFilter · The Phone Proxy

Postmaster's e-mail address

E-mail address of the person who is responsible for maintaining POPBeamer. POPBeamer will send undeliverable messages to this address.

Name or IP address of the Exchange server

Host name or IP address of the Exchange server. The default is localhost, which means that the Exchange server is on the same machine as AirSyncFilter.

Exchange listens on port

This is the port that AirSyncFilter uses when connecting to the Exchange server. If AirSyncFilter and Exchange server are running on the same machine you may need to adjust the port that you have selected for the IIS.

Write Logfile

If checked, AirSyncFilter will write a logfile called MBYYMMDD.LOG, where YY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day.


The directory where AirSyncFilter will write the logfile.

If the Directory is empty, AirSyncFilter writes the logfile into the directory 'where MBServer.EXE resides.

Note: This is a directory and not a filename. The filename will always be MBYYMMDD.LOG

Purge logfiles after x days

Purges the logfiles after the set number of days.

Diagnostic Logging

Verbose Logging

If checked, AirSyncFilter displays and logs everything, whereas if unchecked only a minimal amount of information is logged.

Log Connetion

If checked, AirSyncFilter displays and logs the connection of the devices and to Exchange.

Log TLS cipher

If checked, AirSyncFilter displays cipher used by TLS

Log HTTP transfer

If checked, AirSyncFilter logs the HTTP traffice between the device and Exchange

Log XML data

If checked, AirSyncFilter logs the XML data that is sent between the device and Exchange


Keep a copy of every message

If checked, AirSyncFilter keeps a copy of every message in the HISTORY folder.

Make sure you have enough free disk space if you enable this option.

The message files are plain text files and contain exactly what was sent over the wire.


The directory where AirSyncFilter will write the HISTORY folder.

If the Directory is empty, AirSyncFilter writes the logfile into the directory where MBServer.exe resides.

Purge message files after x days

Purges the message files after the set number of days.


Enable TLS/SSL for inbound connections

If checked, AirSyncFilter announces TLS/SSL so that a connecting client can establish a TLS/SSL connection and thereby encrypt the data that is sent over the wire. By default this is disabled, because a valid certificate for the host is required or else the sending host can not verify your machine.

Server certificate file

The file that holds the certificate, in PEM format

Server private key file

The file that holds the privat key of the certificate, in PEM format

In most cases both the certificate and the private key are in one file and the name of the file is certt.pem

Note:Type in the filename and not the full path name (e.g. cert.pem and not c:\AirSyncFilter\cart.pem)

Enable TLS/SSL for outbound messages

If checked, AirSyncFilter uses TLS/SSL and encrypts the data sent over the wire.

Certificate authority certificate file

The name of the file with the certificate authority certificates, in PEM format

AirSyncFilter uses this list of authority certificates to validate the target server.

However, AirSyncFilter will always try to establish a TLS/SSL connection, even when the certificate or the CN name can not be verified.

TLS/SSL Toolkit:

You will find a generic certificate in the TLS/SSL Toolkit that you may use for a quick start.

Download TLS/SSL Toolkit and extract tlscert.pem and cacert.pem into the AirSyncFilter directory.

Set the fields as follows:

Certificate authority certificate file: CACert.pem
Server certificate file: TLSCert.pem
Server private key file: TLSCert.pem

Note: If you have your own certificate in Windows 2000/2003/2008 then you can export it and use PKCS12_to_PEM.bat from the TLS/SSL Toolkit to convert it into PEM format which AirSyncFilter is able to read.

See also TLS/SSL Quick Installation


Defines the devices (e.g. phones) in your sytem.

Each device has a unique device id like ApplD4046P2ZZ38.

You can get the device id either from the phone list in OWA or from the logfile of AirSyncFilter.

Defines a group of devices.
Defines a rule for a group of devices.
©1991-2025 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
2022-01-04 / Phone
2022-01-04 / Tablet
Changed: 2022-01-04
Copyright ©1991-2025 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43 (1) 4120051