XWall · The Mail Filter
How it works

By default XWall supports only one disclaimer for the whole organization and that is the one you can change in MBAdmin.

However, by directly modify XWall. ini you can create a disclaimer for every combination of From: and To: address.

The general format of line in XWall. ini is:


sender@domain.com is the From: address.

If it is blank, it matches all.

recipient@another.com is the To: address.

If it is blank, it matches all.

PlainText.txt is the filename of the disclaimer in plain text format.

HTMLText.txt is the filename of the disclaimer in HTML format.

If this is blank, XWall creates the HTML format out of the plain text format.

So the default line, after you enabled the disclaimer in MBAdmin, looks like:


This means that for every From: address to every To: address the disclaimer in odisc-pl.txt will be used.

Note: To get a verbose logfile for disclaimer handling add the following line to XWall.ini:



Disclaimer for every message, except it is sent by your accounting system

Create an empty text file in the XWall directory and name it empty.txt and then add the following line to XWall. ini


Special disclaimer when sending to hotmail.com

Create a text file with the text you want to have as the disclaimer in the XWall directory and name it hotmail.txt and then add the following line to XWall. ini


HTML disclaimer

By default XWall creates the disclaimer for a hmtl messages from your plain text disclaimer.

If you need special html formatting for the declaimer that is used in a html message, then put the html code of the disclaimer into a file named odisc-ht.txt in the XWall directory and then add the following line to XWall. ini


Exclude your cell phone from the disclaimer

Create an empty text file in the XWall directory and name it empty.txt and then add the following lines to XWall. ini


©1991-2025 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
2022-01-04 / Phone
2022-01-04 / Tablet
Changed: 2022-01-04
Copyright ©1991-2025 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43 (1) 4120051